Getting comfy at home: Autumn books
Winter is knocking on the front door: The last leaves have been blown away from the trees in front of my living room and today I woke up with the first snowflakes falling down. Time to make yourself comfy at home with some good books and bringing the green into the home and tummy.
Fried small green peppers: What a lucky coincidence today at the supermarket when I found these small peppers that I ate frequently in summer at the Baskque Country in Northern Spain. The perfect snack. Jut fry them in the pan and add some ground sea salt in the end. I like them most warm.
Winternähe by Mirna Funk (only published in German so far): Ein Bild mit Hitlerbärtchen gepostet auf Facebook und Instagramm – der “Gag” von ein paar Bekannten auf einer Party wirft Lolas Leben durcheinander. Wer bin ich und wer entscheidet darüber? Lola, die bei ihren jüdischen Großeltern in Berlin aufgewachsen ist, begibt sich auf die Suche nach sich selbst in Berlin, Tel Aviv und Thailand. Sie durchleuchtet ihre Familiengeschichte, findet sich als Anklägerin der Bekannten vor Gericht wieder, sucht ihre jüdische Identität bei einer jüdischen Gemeinde in Berlin und reist zu Shlomo , ihrem Geliebten in Tel Aviv…Lola durchlebt all das überwältigt von Gefühlen der Angst, Traurigkeit, aber auch des Glücks…
The Weekender: Looking at the cover makes me want to go and buy lots of plants straight away to put some life in the flat as life outside is disappearing at the moment. After reading the article about the shop/café “Rag and Bone Man” (Briesestr. 9, Neukölln) I am making plans for my next trip to Berlin.
Löwen wecken by Ayelet Gundar-Gohsen (Original title: Leha’ ir Arajot): It happened after a long day of work at the hospital: Etan drives fast in the dark when he knocks over the man on the highway. Etan’s wife, a chief detective, has to solve a new case: death of an illegal immigrant after absconding. One day later a black young women stands in front of Etan’s door and tells him that she is the wife of the dead illegal immigrant. What would you do now? Etan’s parallel life starts that slowly destroys everything that he has lived and worked for so far…
Das Liebesleben des Nathaniel P. by Adelle Waldman (Original title: The love affairs of Nathaniel P.): Nathaniel does his best to be a sensible, metrosexual man who understands the women who he is going out with. Though he can’t help that feelings are insulted when he breaks up his affairs and relationships when it comes to the point of taking over responsibility. The reader accompanies Nathaniel’s thoughts and life when drifting through Brooklyn’s hip cultural scene. Will he make it to bind himself to another person in the long run?
A hint of French-Nordic Chic for Autumn
1. When I recently spent a week in San Sébastian in Norther Spain I fell in love with MONTES+MUGICA (Calle Narrica 1) – a curated succulent shop with attention to detail in the heart of town. While hiking in the Andes I first saw these parasite plants. I decided to take two of those easy to take care of green fellows back home. They now give my white bathroom a lively touch.
2. Fish necklace from the jewellery line of French designer Isabel Marant.
3. I can’t tell you how urgently I needed a new wallet since my old one, a tiny bird shaped leather wallet – a temporary solution for more than five years – broke. I was so happy about this birthday present by my dearest friends. The omybag wallet is produced fair-trade in India and made from eco-friendly leather. It also houses my first smart phone I just got.
4. The nights are getting longer now: The owl sitting on my bathroom shelf just reminded me of that.
5. Looking trés chic even when you didn’t shower before you leave the house with the grey hat from Isabel Marant etoile.
6. At first you think: a simple woolen jumper. But then you see the details: the zip at the back going all the way down and a flared shape. I like Cos for its timeless chic.
Hipster medication: Muesli 5 plus
I recently read an interview with Devendra Benhart in my favorite magazine The Weekender that ended with Devendra’s Muesli recipe. Once I saw the ingredients I felt like fallen out of a time machine – my little me sitting on the breakfast table before school eating Kellog’s Original’s pimped up with choclate powder – and suddenly somewhere in time where you hardly know any ingredients of a normal breakfast dish: chia seeds, goji berries, pollen…???
What happened is hipster cereal (r)evolution. This came into my mind when I found myself a little later at the organic supermarket in front of an empty shelf with a goji berry tag only. Secondly my hunting instinct was sparked to get all the ingredients of Devendra’s muesli to give it a try. Well it is the most expensive muesli I have ever eaten. It’s pretty tasty though, I modified it a bit. Maybe you want to give it a go as a weekend starter.
Ingredients (1 Portion) (fruits depending on season):
- 250g organic vanilla joghurt
- 3 spoons oat flakes
- 1 spoon goji berries
- 1 spoon almond slivers
- 1 tea spoon chia seeds
- 1 tea spoon bee pollen
- a half finely sliced apple
- 1 spoon blueberries
Mix it all up and Enjoy!
Venice: La Biennale di Venezia 2015
Wandering the world’s futures on a paper airplane
Ernesto Ballesteros’ performance at the Arsenale
Meet the bees at the American Pavillion
The focus on mother nature in the American Pavillion is what I would not have exspected. If the American government does not change its attitude toward climate change the childhood world Joan Jonas created will become a sad testimonial to the generations who follow a world that used to be(e)…
Japanese Pavillion: Where is my key?
For me each key of Chiharu Shiota’s art work stands for a life. Depending on the signs of wear and tear of the keys you can think of life stories all over the world and how everyone is connected with one another in different ways. It is very impressing how the keys are arranged in a net and around an old Japanese fisher’s boat.
Tetsuya Ishida’s brave new world: DIY human in a box and other dystopian realities
Massinissa Selmani: oberving society with a sharp pencil and good portion of twinkle
Making art by playing with art: The Israelian Pavillion
The best outside wrapping of a Pavillion and also nearly the only one that included curation of the facade. Well, of course it was not meant to be played with, but the loose zip ties of the connected car tires were so inviting. It made so much fun being the Biennale’s cockroach for a few seconds. Then the Pavillion’s guard friendly told us that the art work is not to be touched…Luckily we did not have to delete our pictures.
Herman de Vries: Every story ends with a full stop
Well, it does not look like it, but loads of art work at this year’s Biennale was pretty disturbing and heavy to consume, so it was pretty refreshing to focus on something aesthetically beautiful – dried plants and found objects on the beach arrangend in a frame by Herman de Vries at the Dutch Pavillion. I was lucky to get a spot at the little excusion boat to Lazzaretto Vecchio to see another art work by Herman de Vries who interacted with the uninhabited island. The first isolation hospital in the world was located on this little island in 1423. It was used to save Venice from the plague. Today the island looks like a forgotten paradise – nature has taken over. In between the old buildings you can hear stories whistleing in the wind. A small initiative of volunteers- the archeoclub d’italia took over to bring the island back to life – they plan a museum about the history of Venice, as well as a university campus for archeologists and a cultural center. The are dependent on private donors.
When strolling around Venice art hotspots all day it happens that you cannot stop seeing art everywhere…
Veins of Venice
Eating art: postbox and ringing bell of a private household somewhere in town
Art makes tired, thirsty and hungry. Here are my two favorite spots in town after an intensive day:
Osteria Al Squero (Dorsodura 943-944, Venice)
Sipping Aperol Spritz for 2.50 Euro and eating crustini (small slices of bread with olive paté, tuna, etc.) while sitting on the wall by the water in front of this authentic place – the perfect appetizer before dinner.
Grom (Campo San Barnaba 2761, Venice)
This icecream shop comes into my top 3 list of best ice-creams ever eaten. I judge ice-cream shops by tasting vanilla and pistacho as these are the flavours most difficult to create. The ice is creamy but not heavy. For the fruity ones they also have delicious sorbets.
Growing old in Venice
I like strolling around new places and observing people… Growing old shows other advantages of life: while others head off to work these old ladies enjoy the morning sun on the staircase in front of their home reading the news and having a cigarette.
Having fun in a photo booth
38plus: hot summer weekend do’s
It’s been so hot the last days. This weekend broke this year’s heat record, uff. This heat slows everything down. That’s how I made myself confortable:
1. Eating ice-cold watermelon
2. Lying on my bed with nothing but a loose t-shirt on and travelling to Nigeria with this book by Yejide Kilanko: Der Weg der Töchter (Original title: Daughters who walk this path). For a change an African coming of age story. Morayo grows up in the megacity Agaban with her afin (albino) sister. Morayo has a happy childhood until she gets raped by her cousin. Aunty Morenike is the only only she can confide into. Aunty Morineke also carrys a dark secret.
3. Being too lazy to make my own smoothie. But this one from the supermarket with apple, banana, orange, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry and red current is a tasty substitute.
4. Finally I found some sun glasses by Moscot the other day that fit my small face. I enjoy so much that I no longer have to squint my eyes.
5. On Sunday I decided to stay in my tipi not to get roasted by the sun. I am not moving, just lying on my bed and still sweating. Well, it’s incredible 37 degrees inside as well. Looking forward to a summer thunder storm. Then I will do a rain dance and listen to this song by rapper WEEKEND.
Saturday Breakfast
Fresh from the market: Full grain bagel, lemon olives, marinated mozzarella cheese, French tomme de savoie cheese, smoked mackerel and my beloved Indian chai
Rainy sunday fruit flash
Lazy sunday on the couch watching the rain while eating warm apple rhubarb rasberry compot with a dough crust inspired by this recipe with lots of warm vanilla sauce…yum! I added some cinnamon to the recipe and cooked the rhubarb with the apple…
Summertime and the living is easy…and so are the clothes
I nearly forgot how it feels like sittung on the balcony on a working day evening with hardly anything on and still feeling comfortably warm and having brightness until late – that makes my energy level go higher and higher – it’s summer time all of a sudden and all of my everyday clothes are too warm.
Here is my favourite outfit in those days…
1. I LOVE this colour and the big cutout at the back from American Apparel – for me a timeless classic in my cupboard
2. The white bunny did not come out of a hat but from a trip to Zurich a few years ago
3. Copper coloured glitter nail polish for a fluffy summer outfit for my nails from American Apparel
4. Sandals from one of my favourite labels Sessùn.
5. Pants inspired by the Palestinian scarf from Cecilie Copenhagen makes me think of my time in Lebanon
I just bought Nathaniel P. Gonna start tonight. Thanks for the idea *g*